Ketuk palu hakim pada 2 Desember 2009 lalu bak pukulan godam buat seorang Prita Mulyasari. Putusan perdata Pengadilan Tinggi Banten membuat masyarakat tersentak.

Dalam putusan itu hakim menjatuhkan hukuman kepada Prita, kewajiban membayar denda 204 juta kepada Rumah Sakit Omni Internasional Serpong - Tangerang. Nilai denda itulah yang oleh masyarakat dirasa tidak adil, karena terbuilang berat buat prita, seorang ibu rumah tangga, karyawan perusahaan swasta, yang penghasilannya sekedar cukup menunjuang perekonomian keluarga, belum lagi jika melihat beban yang harus ditanggung sejak terlibat kasus dengan rumah sakit omni tangerang.

Yusro Santoso, salah seorang warga yang peduli, mengaku telah mengikuti perjalanan kasus yang dihadapi Prita, sejak kasusnya masih di tingkat pertama, di Pengadilan Negeri Tangerang. Yusro merasa wanita ini  telah teraniaya dan ia tergerak untuk membantu, walau ia sendiri tak kenal Prita.

Sebagai relawan, Yusro menggalang dana koin keadilan untuk Prita tak hanya dengan membuka posko di rumahnya, di Jalan Langsat nomor 3-A Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan, tapi juga membuka jaringan, bahkan kini membuat website bernama:

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Bahaya merokok Bagi Tubuh

Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat, yang menjadi kebutuhan dasar derajat kesehatan masyarakat, salah satu aspeknya adalah “tidak ada anggota keluarga yang merokok“. Sedangkan PHBS harus menjadi kewajiban saya dan para kader kesehatan untuk mensosialisasikannya.
Setiap kali menghirup asap rokok, entah sengaja atau tidak, berarti juga mengisap lebih dari 4.000 macam racun! Karena itulah, merokok sama dengan memasukkan racun-racun tadi ke dalam rongga mulut dan tentunya paru-paru. Merokok mengganggu kesehatan, kenyataan ini tidak dapat kita mungkiri. Banyak penyakit telah terbukti menjadi akibat buruk merokok, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Kebiasaan merokok bukan saja merugikan si perokok, tetapi juga bagi orang di sekitarnya.
Saat ini jumlah perokok, terutama perokok remaja terus bertambah, khususnya di negara-negara berkembang. Keadaan ini merupakan tantangan berat bagi upaya peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Bahkan organisasi kesehatan sedunia (WHO) telah memberikan peringatan bahwa dalam dekade 2020-2030 tembakau akan membunuh 10 juta orang per tahun, 70% di antaranya terjadi di negara-negara berkembang.
Melalui resolusi tahun 1983, Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) telah menetapkan tanggal 31 Mei sebagai Hari Bebas Tembakau Sedunia setiap tahun.
Bahaya merokok terhadap kesehatan tubuh telah diteliti dan dibuktikan oleh banyak orang. Efek-efek yang merugikan akibat merokok pun sudah diketahui dengan jelas. Banyak penelitian membuktikan bahwa kebiasaan merokok meningkatkan risiko timbulnya berbagai penyakit. Seperti penyakit jantung dan gangguan pembuluh darah, kanker paru-paru, kanker rongga mulut, kanker laring, kanker osefagus, bronkhitis, tekanan darah tinggi, impotensi, serta gangguan kehamilan dan cacat pada janin.
Penelitian terbaru juga menunjukkan adanya bahaya dari secondhand-smoke, yaitu asap rokok yang terhirup oleh orang-orang bukan perokok karena berada di sekitar perokok, atau biasa disebut juga dengan perokok pasif.

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Dangers of Smoking

Smoking-related illnesses claim more American lives than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide and illegal drugs combined.

Stop Smoking in a week 100% Guaranteed!
There are many dangers of smoking to the body, to the immediate family, to the society, to the environment and to the economy. More than 700 chemical additives are found in cigarettes. Some of them are classified as toxic and are not allowed in food.

Once lit, a cigarette reaches a temperature of nearly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This high heat helps release thousands of chemical compounds, including poisons like carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide, at least 43 carcinogens, and numerous mutagens. All of these are drawn into the body when a smoker inhales.

Dangers Of Smoking With Nicotine

One of the main dangers of smoking is due to Nicotine. Nicotine is found naturally in tobacco. It has no odor and no color. It is, however, both physically and psychologically addictive, and it causes those who use it to want to smoke one cigarette after another.

Nicotine enters the body as tiny droplets resting on particles of tar in cigarette smoke. Inhaled into the lungs, the drug passes quickly into the bloodstream, reaching the brain within about 10 seconds. In another 5 to 10 seconds the nicotine has spread to all parts of the body.

The nicotine raises both the heart rate and blood pressure. The smoker quickly feels more alert and relaxed. In less than 30 minutes, however, about half of the nicotine has left the bloodstream, and the smoker starts feeling less alert, more edgy.

So he or she reaches for another cigarette to get a new “hit” of nicotine. Over time, the smoker starts needing more cigarettes throughout the day to satisfy the craving.

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Awas!! Facebook kamu di hack

Awas!! Facebook kamu di hack. Sekarang ada program namanya GZ’s Facebook. Cara kerjanya cukup simple, kita tinggal ketikan e-mail dari akun si yang punya facebook, kemudian klik Freeze. Nah ditunggu beberapa saat.. Hasilnya, password si yang punya facebook akan berubah, dan dia tidak bisa kembali masuk ke dalam facebook-nya!!

Alangkah bahayanya kalo sampe facebook kita ter-freeze macam gini. Karna akun dan data-data kita di facebok bisa dipakai dan dsalahgunakan oleh orang yang tak bertanggung jawab. Misalnya akun kita dipakai untuk perbuatan criminal dan erbuatan tidak menyenangkan lainnya terhadap orang/pihak lain seperti , memaki, memeras, bahkan mencemarkan nama baik kita sendiri, bahkan meracik foto2 kita yg ada di facebook menjadi foto2 yg tidak senonoh atau hal2 bruk lainnya..

Saya sendiri sampe saat ini belum tahu betul bagaimana cara mengatasi masalah freeze ini, namun cara yang cukup aman, kita juga harus merahasiakan e-mail yang menjadi username kita. Dengan menyembunyikan e-mail yang kita gunakan untuk akun facebook kita (Letanya di profil-info). Setidaknya selangkah lebih maju dalam menghindari bahaya korban dari keisengan orang atas akun facebook kita.

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Drug Abuse and Addiction

Many people do not understand why individuals become addicted to drugs or how drugs change the brain to foster compulsive drug abuse. They mistakenly view drug abuse and addiction as strictly a social problem and may characterize those who take drugs as morally weak. One very common belief is that drug abusers should be able to just stop taking drugs if they are only willing to change their behavior. What people often underestimate is the complexity of drug addiction—that it is a disease that impacts the brain and because of that, stopping drug abuse is not simply a matter of willpower. Through scientific advances we now know much more about how exactly drugs work in the brain, and we also know that drug addiction can be successfully treated to help people stop abusing drugs and resume their productive lives. 

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What is HIV AIDS?

To answer the question what is HIV AIDS, we have to start early in the epidemic. In 1985, scientists discovered the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and with it the question what is aids was answered. HIV is a virus that is transmitted from person to person through the exchange of body fluids such as blood, semen, breast milk and vaginal secretions. Sexual contact is the most common way to spread HIV AIDS, but it can also be transmitted by sharing needles when injecting drugs, or during childbirth and breastfeeding. As HIV AIDS reproduces, it damages the body's immune system and the body becomes susceptible to illness and infection. There is no known cure for HIV infection.

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The 2012 Predictions

If there's any truth to those ancient legends, you have precious little time left to make the most important wager of your life. Before dismissing this as new-age mumbo-jumbo, you'd best know exactly what's at stake.
A few nights ago my wife, Arianne, asked why I am taking so seriously the myth about the winter solstice of 2012 marking the end of the world as we know it. Although I gave the question my best shot at the time, all I got in return was a quizzical look and a shrug. I then promised to pull my thoughts together and make this the subject of my next column.

The Last Date in the Mayan Calendar

December 21, 2012 is a date that has been literally set in stone - it is the last date chiseled into the Mayan calendar. It is spoken of in the legends of other traditions as well and, according to some recent material I have been reading, has been part of the arcane knowledge of civilizations stretching back to Atlantis and Lemuria. Apparently some ancient people were privy to knowledge that remains largely unavailable to the majority of us today - even though we are the ones destined to live through this remarkable date
As one who has followed this subject for a number of years, I can add that the level of "chatter" - to borrow a term from the CIA - seems to be increasing at an impressive rate. Some of the latest material to cross my desk stopped me dead in my tracks (see:
Should we treat the predicted demise of our civilization with disdain or with riveted attention? This question would not be so challenging if the prophecies were backed by verifiable scientific process. Thanks to modern-day advances in our understanding of the Earth's orbit, we can predict a total eclipse of the sun on November 13, 2012. We can even tell within seconds precisely when and where this event will occur. But when it comes to an event like the end of the world, science can't help us; the forces in play have yet to be discovered by classical academia.
Thus on this matter we are left to our own devices. All of us must work out a response as best we can. However, if there is any truth to the story, our stance - the most wager we ultimately make - regarding this issue is arguably the most important of our life. As C. S. Lewis, the celebrated author of The Chronicles of Narnia, once said about his decision to embrace religion: "Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important."

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